As the release of the expected EP(songs of bae) by Ozee draw nearer,a lot is expected from the Tazu artiste. Recently he dropped first single off the Ep.

In an interview with Ozee he told ngstarshub all we should be expecting and his next step.

NGSTARSHUB: Ozee,you dropped a single,Handle Me. few days ago.
The song is everywhere and we keep hearing “this is Ozee’s best song ever” some say “after ‘Nasarawa, next is Handle me”
What do you have to say about this?
OZEE: The response I have been getting about Handle Me has been great. Am Happy people appreciate it.
If they say it’s my best song ever ….am glad it is considering the fact that it’s my most recent work.. It’s means there is growth.
They should expect better songs.
NGSTARSHUB: how do you feel when you receive such comments and what is your response?
OZEE: Am Happy, the joy of every artiste is when his work is being appreciated. At the same time am grateful. I get to thank them and assure them I wont disappoint them.
It’s a source of motivation for me.
NGSTARSHUB: Now tell us,Handle Me is absolutely different from all your previous sounds.
Who/what inspire the song?
OZEE: J Brada sent me a beat, Immediately I heard it, I fell in love with the vibe. A couple of days latter we got in the studio and recorded it.
The beat met me in my Songs of Bae vibe(Laughs)
NGSTARSHUB: Coming to Songs Of bae, Why did you chose that title?
OZEE: I was looking for a title that would express content of the EP,
After a few tries the title came up and we had to go with it . We knew instantly it was the one.
It’s a package for all Bae. Consider it a Musical Bae Kit. 😀😀 like a hand book. If u play the Songs of Bae EP to bae. You would have express all the love you feel for Bae. It’s about Bae …😎
NGSTARSHUB: why did you decided to sing an Ep for Bae’s?
There are pressing issues in the country today like the issues of book haram,Biafra agitation and the rest.
You see the likes of Tekno,Oritse demi are singing songs of peace and unity addressing the problems of the country. Why not do such instead of a bae?
OZEE: In already did that with a project. In 2014, l titled Rebirth. It’s captured all this. Had songs like Zaman Tare, I love naija, unite, say no smuggling.
These songs are still played till date.
It was a whole project dedicated to such content.
Most of my fans knew me for such songs,Right now we are giving them the Ozee Sound.
Keeping them entertained.
NGSTARSHUB: Wow,that’s interesting.
What are we going to be expecting, another single to drop before the release?
OZEE: Yeah, I will be releasing a video for a new single Hommies and another single off the EP. Then it drops.
NGSTARSHUB: What’s your last statement?
OZEE: I want to use this medium to appreciate all lovers of my music. From the fans, to Bloggers, DJ, OAP’s . I am sincerely grateful for the Love and I am assuring them that I won’t disappoint them. They should expect better content from me.

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